People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown. - Palahniuk

Thursday, August 05, 2010

New beginning #82

Meet Paolo, my alpaca.

Anyway, I'm sorry about the broken promises, the misrepresentations, the truths-at-the-time-but-truths-no-longer (they are a shade of lie, not lies outright). I'm sorry I never wrote about all the things I said I would, that I stopped writing all together. I thought maybe I'd do what all the great writers do (what so many writers, published and unpublished, do): I'd wake up early in the morning, the sky an innocent gray, somber and sobering and quiet, with just a hint of blue, I'd wake up then and write. And I'd write, oh, for an hour or so, pouring forth my brilliance onto a welcoming and hungry page, to a rapt and thirsty audience. The words would come, easily, as they almost never do in reality. The prose would ring strong and true, with just a touch of irony, wit balanced against truth, and I would approach the day strengthened by the exercise, knowing that if I had the discipline to wake and write, I would have the discipline to accomplish anything (everything) that day.

That remains a dream and will remain a dream as long as I sit here and type at this ungodly hour of the night-morning, trying to remember the name of the boy who capped some long-ago, half-forgotten dream, and those were his words, "I hope that was a nice cap to your night."

1 comment:

Virginia said...

I like Paolo, you alpaca, and the description of the morning.

~ Virginia

PS. I hope to read more of your thoughts or see you around soon. Monica says you went to the airport, and flew away somewhere! When you come back to the Bay Area, let me know if you want to / are free to hang out for a little bit.

forget the past