People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown. - Palahniuk

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The beginning

The insanity from yesterday still lingered when I opened my eyes this morning, like perfume put on for a party that was so exhausting you had not the energy to tuck yourself in, you just fell asleep on top of your blanket and sheets, and a restless few hours later, had awoken with make-up smeared, body reeking of yesterday's perfume and the forgettable somebody you rubbed up against the night before.

It was glorious last night, the intensity of my exhilaration, perched as I was on the edge of another reckless irresponsibility, in fact the same thoughtless decision, a choice that seemed to make itself, what had I to do with it? Of course I had to withdraw, of course that upsetting conversation with the parental units (oh, how much they care! they care too much!) meant I had to escape from their dominion, from this insufferable domination by external uncontrollable undesirable forces! Of course, of course, it had all made so much sense, I would declare myself an independent agent with my petty act of teenage rebellion...but somewhere, some unobtrusive part of my brain whispers with timidity that I am not a teenager anymore, no, I am not so young or stupid anymore.

But oh, to be young and stupid! To embrace this youth and stupidity while I have it still! No crow's feet mar my eyes, no worry lines--or at most, merely the faintest promise of them etched across my forehead, no spouse, no children, no care in the world to weigh me down in my youngness, in my stupidness. Let me be young and stupid, damn it! If youth is wasted on the young, let me--ME--not waste my youth, let me relish every destructive act for which my body forgives me, let me cherish every silliness for which I am forgiven and forgotten before the world begins to judge.

At any rate, I rode the wave of last night's high, clinging to the memory of all the hopelessly hopeful things I'd said to AG and AW when withdrawal seemed the only reasonable answer to my routine frustration and walked with AW to his 2 o'clock class today, barefoot outdoors, my soles kissing the warm pavement with each bouncy step, but with sandals in hand the better to stride into the L&S Office of Undergraduate Advising. I smiled at the man setting up my appointment and smiled at the counselor processing my withdrawal, wondering if I should veil my happiness, whether the corners of my lips ought not to be so blasphemously upturned during my act of shame.

Later, with uncooperative candor, my mind conjured an image of me, graceless, standing before a toilet, a fat wad of cash in hand, new money, in fact, with the bank's paper band around it still, readying my hand to throw it in and flush; I would not miss--I was sure of it.

So that was my Thursday. Day 1 of freedom and frustration.

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